Projects I Would Love to Work On
This is exciting! Am I crazy or are we opening back up? Slowly I see the masks coming off. I missed your mouths so much. And we are starting to gather again. I can hardly wait to dance. Remember dancing?
Atmanautica Unmasked
It seems to me that 2021 will be the year the masks come off. So here goes nothing.
Easing into Sanity, and What's Next.js
Well, that didn’t take long. Spun up, deployed, and now running a Sanity CMS with a Next.js client app in minutes. Like 13 of them.
Time to Hyde: Leaving Jekyll for What's Next.js
As it stands this site is abominably slow, both to develop and to visit. This won’t do.
Dating with Mutations
I noticed while revisiting this dusty marvel that the date being displayed was obscenely wrong. The month was two months off, the hours were several time zones away, and the date was always less than seven. And here I thought I had left it stable, at least worthy of v1.
Welcoming Inactivity and Taking a Seat
If you don’t interact with Passage Clock for 10 secs, it now goes into ambient mode. The Ctrls hide and the color filters may start to transition.
Configuring our Custom Domains with Github Pages and Vercel
Today is an auspicious day. I have figured out how to map these Atmanaut domains! It wasn’t technically difficult. The challenge lay in understanding what Atmanautica is offering to the WWW. And though this is likely to change as the concept evolves, I have to start somewhere.
Animated Backgrounds Figured
As it turns out there are a host of other wonderful animated backgrounds for your web sites/apps/pages. Let’s give them a spin, shall we?
Porting to Jekyll, and iframes as Partials? Blasphemy!
Here goes nothing. An inaugural post ought to be haphazard, right?
These are the least of what I've written. If you want to get metaphysical, take a dive into Atmanaut. For the business-minded, I prescribe a healthy dose of Easeness. Those truly adventurous wanderers may appreciate a mosey through my digital garden, Commonplace.