Animated Backgrounds Figured
As it turns out there are a host of other wonderful animated backgrounds for your web sites/apps/pages. Let’s give them a spin, shall we?
Some schmancy animated background demos
- 3 demoes with customizable circles and squares from
- 5 ambient dealies from Codrops
- THPACE! - Thay it thrice
- Naker.back interactive customizable
- GeoPattern - procedurally generated?
- Vanta - nearly dozens more
And an honorable mention to this compendium of otherwise decorative but non-animated backgrounds.
For a while I have shamelessly poached this wavy purple Vanta.js background, plopping it behind otherwise lackluster content to add panache/pizzazz. Who doesn’t love nice wrapping paper? I love it, and origami, hence what you are seeing dance right now.
The crux is getting them loaded without blocking the render or other aspects of the page load, then building them in gracefully.